Food, Product Reviews

Alter Eco Chocolate Giveaway (Nov. 7th – Dec. 6th)


Today we are giving away Alter Eco Chocolate. The giveaway will run from Nov. 7th – Dec. 6th 20014 (Just in time for Christmas Cheer!). Use the Rafflecopter widget below and make sure to like out Facebook page, tweet about us, pin this to your pinterest board and subscribe to our email list.

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46 thoughts on “Alter Eco Chocolate Giveaway (Nov. 7th – Dec. 6th)

  1. My favorite sweet eat is cookies and cakes!! I love them and crave them all the time. I do love chocolate and so when I crave the cookies and cakes it is almost the chocolate version of them both. thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I do not believe in abstaining from anything. The minute I tell myself I CANNOT have something, the more I want it, and by the time I give in I will eat the entire bag. So, when I want chocolate I break off a square and enjoy it. That seems to work well for me 🙂

  3. I like to make Chocolate Oatmeal. I use cocoa powder, maybe like a tablespoon for 3 servings. I dissolve that in the water, then I add the Oatmeal (quick oats is what I use). The oatmeal is now nice and chocolatey. Then I add sugar to taste and a teaspoon of peanut butter. It tastes like melted chocolate! You need the peanut butter. But I supposed you could try nutella.

  4. My favorite treat is a faux chocolate chip peanut butter cookie dough made out of chickpeas, pb2, a little stevia, and chocolate chips.

  5. Chocolate is by far my favorite sweet, I love Dark Chocolate and have recently discovered it with toffee and salt -it is lovely!

  6. My favorite sweets are cake and ice cream – but, since I’m trying to avoid refined sugar and grains, I’m also happy with fresh fruit – especially grapes, pomegranates, pink grapefruit, and tangerines!

  7. We love peanut butter and make our own power bars to eat before exercise with peanut butter, honey and chocolate chips. We love them right from the freezer.

  8. My favourite sweet treat is either a bit of dark chocolate (….ok, anything chocolate!) or a cup of tea with some home-made cookies 🙂

  9. Short of a full-blown chocolate intervention, my sweet tooth isn’t going away anytime soon! As far as favorite chocolate, anything dark chocolate…I don’t care what it’s mixed with or if it’s by itself; that’s my favorite!

  10. I love your description. I also love Alter Eco. It’s one of only 2 brands that I can eat because of my food allergies. My favorite dessert is pecan pie, which I haven’t had in 3 yrs. because of them. Well, at least I can eat Alter Eco quinoa bars.

  11. Chocolate is my fave by far with cheesecake coming in at a close second. Now chocolate cheesecake??? That’s the bombdiggity!

  12. OOh…. I’m still trying to find a way to cure my sweet tooth. As for now, I’ll still be indulging in dark chocolate every chance I get!

  13. My fav way lately is to make healthy treats mix tahini, lots of cocoa, hemp hearts, a little honey, sometimes a few other things I might have like coconut, then shape them into cute shapes, roll in more cocoa and refrigerate. I like to have a few for “dessert” or snacks.

  14. I do have a sweet tooth. I love to have a piece of dark chocolate each day and that helps. I also like natural peanut butter too.

  15. dark chocolate is my fave.. right now justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups are my fave!! thanks for the great giveaway! 🙂

  16. I love sweets of all shapes and sizes. I would say my favorite way to satisfy a sweet tooth is with chocolate (bonus if there’s caramel in there) and candy (bonus if it’s mellowcreme!)

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