I am a pumpkin-loving enthusiast (some might say nut, but enthusiast sounds so much nicer)! It doesn’t matter if it is fall or winter. Ask my friends…lol! Many a conversation has started with “Oh my gosh! I found this awesome pumpkin recipe on Pinterest…yada, yada, yada!” They will shake their heads; roll their eyes; smile, and listen to me ramble like sweet friends do! For example, a few months back when I discovered Pumpkin Noosa yogurt at Target! There were pictures flying across group text to my girls with “LOOK WHAT I FOUND!” *Queue the eye rolling* One of my girlfriends said, “Leave it to you to find pumpkin Noosa!” The stuff is amazing and you should seriously try it (I think it may be seasonal though, which totally stinks)!

So, a few nights ago, I was perusing Pinterest, looking for a recipe to utilize my awesome new Simple Baker Premium Silicone Baking Cups! Check them out here! They are super cute with bright colors (I hear the Skittles commercials in my head whispering “Taste the Rainbow”, when I look at them)! They make it easy to pop your muffins, cupcakes, etc. right out of the pan without all the awful sticking. This in turn means virtually no cleanup of the muffin tins (Unless you’re a messy baker and make a mess of it when putting the batter in the cups. No judgement here…I had to wipe up a little batter myself). I also love that I am being green, because I am not wasting trees or using chemical laden paper liners. Did I mention what a breeze these babies are to clean?! They are dishwasher-safe, but I just flip mine inside out, give them a little soapy scrub and let them air dry. My kiddos love them, because any treat wrapped in your favorite color is automatically more delicious (or at least we think so)! These are an awesome deal too! I previously had bought a set of 12 from a different company and they were much pricier. I would definitely consider buying these, if I were you!
So, back to that recipe hunt…I wanted a recipe that would utilize my coconut flour and wouldn’t you know it….I found a pumpkin muffin recipe! Now if you’ve never baked with coconut flour, and you’re expecting that same texture you get with regular wheat flour, you may be in for a shock. While these were quite amazing, they do have more of a grainy texture, similar to cornbread. I know many people who do not appreciate the texture of cornbread, so this is a helpful hint 😉 One other little tidbit in dealing with coconut flour…make sure to spoon it into the measuring cup. You do NOT want to pack it in and use too much. An extra tablespoon worth of flour can ruin your recipe. You will end up with crumby-dry muffins, if you add too much flour. Another not-so-expected aspect of this recipe was that the batter is quite thick. Some may be tempted to add more liquid, but just don’t do it.
Now that I have officially terrified you and talked you out of making these, here is the recipe (Click here to view it)! Make sure to use organic ingredients (scroll down to see where I got all mine). Oh and don’t overbake them lol!

I topped mine with some amazing Love Bean Sea Salt Caramel and it was ooey gooey amazing! Enjoy!
If you are curious about where to get the ingredients, I have compiled a list for you!
The Nutiva Coconut Flour and Organic Honey was purchased at Costco. But if you don’t have that option close by, I have also purchased on Amazon (click on the ingredients to see where to buy them on Amazon)! Make sure to get organic or raw honey. That stuff you buy for a dollar most likely contains high fructose corn syrup and is not 100% pure honey.
Red Ape Cinnamon is an awesome company that uses part of the proceeds to adopt and help protect sweet orangutans and their habitats. I am not at all exaggerating that this is the best cinnamon I have ever had! The smell and flavor is just amazing!
This particular jar of Coconut Oil was purchased at Fred Meyer, as was the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar and Organic Pumpkin. However, I have linked each item to brands that I have tried and purchased, as well.
That’s it for today folks! I hope you haven’t left a puddle of drool on your laptop, tablet or phone! If you have any questions, please leave them for me below in the comments!
Health and Blessings,
Disclosure: I received the Simple Baker Premium Silicone Baking Cups at no cost in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.