Today we started the Wolverine Workout and it pretty well kicked my butt, as I am sure every day of this workout will. Since it is Day 1 though, I am sure it feels worse than it will!
Truth in Day 1. . .I didn’t do EVERY rep, but I did the whole workout. I find that if I am really struggling to get through a set, I will cut the reps from 10 to 7 or 8.
My second truth is that I didn’t do the 4th round of the shoulder circuit. By the time I finished the 3rd round, my arms were DONE! I am pretty sure they will be like Jello tomorrow. I’ll let you know in the Day 2 update!
My least favorite exercise in Day 1 of the Wolverine Workout is the Cuban Press. . . I HATE THEM! I would rather do more bench presses than these crazy things.
My fave exercise on Day 1 is the Triceps Push-Down. When I do these I add a little extra at the end. . .I twist my wrists out to the sides. It will work that side tricep muscle a little more.
I am tracking my food intake via the Lose It app on my phone. I am doing this so that I can reach my goal and keep track of what I am putting in. I don’t usually overeat or eat junk. So, this is more for my information than anything. I am also not limiting myself. If I want to eat a piece of chocolate, I will do it. It just has to be logged and taken into consideration.
Right now I set my goal at a pound a week. This allows me a budget of 1,343 calories a day. I finished up under my budget by 430 calories. Keep in mind that if you exercise it will allow for more calories in your budget.
Tomorrow is going to be REALLY fun. . . you end up doing a total of 100 squats (assuming you aren’t like me and hacking a couple off of each set lol)! Good luck tomorrow! You got this and you can do it!
Health and Blessings (and Pain),